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Sometimes someone get the idea for a story that we feel everyone might like to participate in, so we offer it as a challenge. Challenges are usually simple and include a few things that must/should be included in your story.
If you'd like to issue a challenge then please contact me. All challenges will be posted to the Nathan and Kristin mailing list unless otherwise specified. When submitting a challenge, please include your name and email addy so people can contact you regarding the challenge if need be.
technically this isn't a challenge but, On the Nathan and Kristin Mailing
List there has been talk of What would happen if Carol was alive and came
back to cause problems for Nathan and Kristin? So if you have a story
idea along these lines write it up and send it to us
I thought I'd throw some challenges out to the list, just to get those
creative juices flowing and jump start the plot bunnies. Here are
a few that were posted on one of my other lists and I thought could work
for N/K so here they are:
Your mission (should you choose
to accept it) :) is to write a story (whatever rating) where Nathan and
Kristin make love in some place unusual. It can be anywhere, just not the
obvious--a bed at home or on the seaQuest (Can be anywhere else on
the ship, just not in bed [evil grin].
It's very simple and includes
two things... sex and candy. Write a story were the love scene, now this
can be NC-17 for those more adventuous souls on our list, or just implied
but the main point is that some type of candy has to have a major part
in the love scene. That's it people, let's get those creative ideas
flowing :o) (Me thinks we could expand the Gummy Worm scene, heh
Becky [grin]) Please post any ratings higher than PG to the adult list
Okay here is something for you to think about:
It's after Nathan and
Kristin's first date or first night spent together. Kristin and Katie
meet for a late lunch. Just what and how much will Kristin tell her?
Write a story about what might have happened or could have happened if Nathan and Kristin had met at some point while he was still married to Carol.
Well, I hope we have some takers.
I've got some ideas for a couple of these. [grin]
extra points if it's N/K kissing under the mistletoe
spiking the punch
in one of those santa style dresses (you know...looks like a santa suit
but it is a short dress) and her singing---to Nathan (extra points
if she gets him "hot and bothered") [evil grin] Santa, Baby
Pick any song from the soundtrack
page and use the lyrics in a story or build a story around the lyrics.
Use these in a story: A candy
heart, hot air balloon, cartoon character, strip tease,
alarm clock.
Build a story around one of the following themes or lines:
-The mud and water cascaded down around her, swallowing the very air.
-"Fine," she snapped,
"no more sex."
-He used his fingertips
to softly stroke the contours of his true love's face, taking care not
to wake her.
-"I will NEVER surrender!" he
shouted and fell to his knees.
I thought we could use a humorous
one... :o) build a story around the Irish Rovers song "Wasn't That
A Party" If you need the lyrics, please
email me.
a story where Nathan and/or Kristin kill each other.
Is it
a virulent disease and Nathan kills Kristin in self-defence? Does the disease
take over and Kristin kills Nathan because she's insane? Of course, it
doesn't have to involve a disease, it could be an accident, deliberate,
jealous rage, an evil twin...and yes you can even use the Dallas "it's
all a nightmare". You decide all options are open
Your story must have something to do with one or more of the traditions involved with St.Patrick's Day.
Have fun :o)
The Christmas season is fast approaching and I figured it was time to post the annual challenge. The deadline for entries will be Dec 23 and can be posted to either the General or Adult list, or both. So get your thinking caps on :o) The Challenge must have only Nathan and Kristin but other characters can be mentioned in passing. It must also have one, more or all of the following:
1. Mistletoe
2. mulled wine or hot spiced apple cider
3. snow (gotta get them out of the heat and sunshine this year <grin>)
4. Nathan on the roof
5. a straw
6, tinsel
7. Nathan and Kristin roasting chestnuts themselves or roasted chestnuts they've purchased somewhere
8. a game of truth or dare
9. Trimming the tree.
have some fun with this and I look forward to reading all the entries.
Your story MUST contain the following lines
"If you obey all the rules,
you miss all the fun." (originally spoken by the great Katherine
Hepburn BTW)
AND "Don't even bother
to explain, it'll only make it worse."
Those two lines must have something to do with Nathan and Kristin and the rest of the story must contain ONE or MORE of the following:
Chocolate--any shape or form
Satin sheets
Yellow Roses
A teddy bear
and a toothbrush
And : inquireing minds want
to know.. Is Nathan a boxer or briefs man? You decide :o)
Your task is to take Nathan and Kristin , and anyone else from seaQuest and put them in the era of Pearl Harbor. Write them as though they lived in that time and not the time period where seaQuest is set.
The characters.. should have the same personalities and basic backgrounds and should interact as they would on seaQuest. So Nathan would be a Captain in the Navy and Kristin would be a Doctor but there are some small things to remember that since it is 1941.. Jonathan would *not* be Nathan's XO nor would Katie be Chief Engineer.
You can have Nathan and Kristin already in an established relationship, or meet just in the days before the attack on Pearl Harbor. The rest of the details are up to you. :o)
I would be very interested to see what kind of stories we can get out of this.
A seaQuest launch with 5 people
including N/K has to find somewhere to
beach for repairs and accidentally
find the island from Jurassic Park.
In this challenge you have to
tell us what would happen if Kristin was assigned to the new seaQuest to
work withWendy on a science project.
Okay this one is very simple.
N &K are in the mood but something happens to
kill the mood or prevent them
from continueing. <evil grin>
Okay, I know we've seen several
shows with episodes that deal with alternate
or parallel universes and I
thought it would be interesting to see our fave couple in an alternate
universe... .How are things different from the 'cannon universe' we know.
Also another twist could be
to see a mirror universe based on those done by Star Trek. For those that
don't know ( if there are any on this list ) <grin> In the mirror universe
everyone and everything is a mirror reflection of their selves in the other
universe. People are cruel and sadistic etc, or those who are normal nice
people are cruel in the
alternate universe and visa
versa. So your mission is to write a N andK based on this mirror universe.
Dig out the old Star Trek episode if you have to :o) (Mirror, Mirror)Another
interesting twist to this could be that N & K are cruel and sadistic
to the outside world but when they are together, alone they are like their
counter parts.
I know I've already written
a story thatdeals with this.. but I wouldn't mind seeing other scenarios
on this subject. So.. Nathan and Kristin... sneak off somewhere for
a little nookie and get caught. How, when and by whom is up to you?
Okay... Your story must
involve Nathan and Kristin in some type of heat wave... can be on seaQuest,
the island or at home. The story must also include them cooling down..or
heating up <grin> in 'falling' water: a shower , rain, or a waterfall.
Must also include
either... ice cubes (bonus
points if they are part of the 'cool down") and/or something cold and sticky.
The girls, Kristin, Katie, Janet
and any other female friend ( Please no WS) have a girl's night out.
Must include.. A game of pool with the girls winning, the song "Man I Feel
Like A Woman", one or all getting sloshed. Extra points awarded if
their significant others (ie Nathan, Bill.. Ben if you like) arrive at
the same.. Bar, club what have you, and witness all or most of their antics
and perhaps are dragged into
said antics.. ie pool game.
Nathan and Kristin are
involved in a party night where they all get a little 'smashed' and
play a game of truth or dare... or spin the bottle... or twister... or
some silly ass game that either gets them really close... or forces them
to admit to their feelings.
Choose the lyrics to one of
the following songs and
use them in or build a story
around them:
more Day
Am I
A Lover's Eyes
More Challenges coming soon.
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