Title: | Punishment |
Author: | Liz VanZandt |
email: | |
Rating: | PG-13 |
Classification: | Nathan & Kristin Story |
Archive: | NKRA and Liz's Site only. All others MUST ask first. |
Disclaimer: | All the characters are owned by Amblin, I'm only borrowing them for a story that's all mine, and the song is copyright of someone else. |
Summary: | When Noyce forces Bridger to punish Westphalen, he devises an interesting punishment. |
Notes: | This story takes place some time shortly after "Greed for a Pirate's Dream." |
"I'm sorry, Nathan, but the brass already knows you'll be nearby," William Noyce said on the screen."Bill, I don't want to," Nathan Bridger said, on the verge of whining.
"Too bad, Nathan, that's an order." The screen went blank.
Nathan paused and took a deep breath before knocking on the door. Opening it, he poked his head in to see Kristin Westphalen sitting at her desk. "Are you busy?"
"No," Kristin replied, "come in, I was just about finished here." Nathan closed the door and took a seat in one of the chairs by her desk. "What's wrong?"
"Well, after what happened last week at Monito Island --"
"Oh no," Kristin said losing her smile.
"Yeah, well, Noyce insists that I give you some sort of reprimand."
"For saving eight lives?"
"Technically, you have no power to fire torpedoes in any instance. You violated the proper chain of command."
"What?" Disbelief was evident in her voice. "The only person within hundreds of miles with the authority was Commander Ford and we could not reach him by radio. And even if we could have, I'm sure he would have agreed with my decision."
"I know, and it's not my call, take it up with Noyce."
"You can be sure I will."
"I did, however, talk Noyce into leaving the punishment itself to my discretion."
"Oh, wonderful," Kristin said sarcastically.
"Hey, careful with your tone or I may have to change my mind."
A questioning look crossed her face. "And what do you mean by that?"
"Well, it took me a while to discover a punishment that befits the crime."
"This should be interesting," she said, sarcasm creeping back into her voice.
A stern look from Nathan silenced her. "You'll be attending the retirement party of Admiral Patrick this weekend."
Kristin look both shocked and relieved. "That is my punishment?" Nathan nodded. "How is attending a party punishment?"
"You obviously haven't met Caleb Patrick before."
She shook her head, "No, why?"
"Let's just say that he's about as exciting as watching paint dry. The other guests should be just as interesting."
"Wait, let me guess, diplomats and politicians."
He nodded again. "You got it. The launch leaves at twelve hundred hours Friday." Nathan got up to leave. "Oh, and Kristin, it's black tie, dress appropriately."
The next morning at the senior staff meeting Bridger informed his officers of his plans for the weekend. Jonathan Ford looked slightly surprised at the mention of his companion, but Katie Hitchcock simply smiled knowingly. The reaction of the rest of the crew was similar. For the rest of the week hushed whispers surged through the boat as the news of the captain and the doctor spread.
"You know where I'll be in case something comes up?" Bridger said to Ford in the middle of launch bay.
"Yes, sir, but I think I can handle things for a weekend."
"Like you handled things the last time I left you?"
"That was out of my hands. If it weren't for the treasure hunters there would have been no problem," Ford said defensively.
Bridger laughed. "I know, Jonathan, but this time you won't have Doctor Westphalen to bail you out. Speaking of whom, where is she?"
"I don't know, sir." As Ford pulled out his PAL to check, Kristin came around the corner.
"Sorry I'm late," she said out of breath, "but I was having trouble packing."
Bridger gave her a quizzical look. "Well, if you're finally ready, than let's get underway."
"The launch is set to go. Krieg'll take you to shore and then return to get you at sixteen hundred hours Sunday," Ford said.
Kristin's eyebrows shot up at the mention of Krieg. "Something wrong, Doctor?" Bridger asked.
"No, nothing. Let's get this over with, we don't want to be late."
"Actually, I'd prefer that," Bridger mumbled. "Well, take good care of her for me, Jonathan."
"Yes, sir, enjoy your weekend."
Five hours later Krieg deposited his passengers at a dock in Washington DC and left to pick up some supplies for the seaQuest . Nathan and Kristin made their way to the hotel where the party was being held. They managed to get rooms next to each other despite the nearly full hotel due to the party.
Nathan had just stepped out of the shower when he heard a knock on the door. He pulled a robe on and opened the door to see Kristin standing there. She was wearing just a simple white shirt and black slacks, but somehow she made it look like a designer outfit. "Um, hi," he said stepping aside to let her in.
She hesitated and then entered the room. "Hi, I thought we were supposed to be meeting Noyce downstairs for dinner."
"Oh, you're right, I guess I lost track of time in the shower. Give me five minutes to change." He disappeared into the bathroom and emerged a few minutes later in his favorite khakis and jean shirt. "Ready?"
Kristin nodded and followed him downstairs to the bar. Noyce and his wife were seated at a table in the back and she was the one to notice Kristin first.
"Nathan, how have you been?" Janet Noyce said with a hug.
"Busy," Nathan said. "And you?"
"I'm doing great, but I am wondering who this lovely lady with you is."
"Kristin Westphalen, Janet Noyce, and I think you know Bill," Nathan said.
"Admiral," Kristin said.
"We're not here on business this weekend so why don't you call me Bill," Noyce said, finally recovering from his initial shock. "Can I get you something to drink?"
"White wine," Kristin replied.
"Scotch rocks, with a twist."
Noyce nodded and headed for the bar.
"So, Kristin, how long have you known Nathan?" Janet said sitting down.
Kristin smiled. "Since the beginning of the tour."
"So you met on the seaQuest?"
"Yes, I'm the Chief Medical Officer and head of the science team aboard the seaQuest."
"Sounds fascinating," Janet said watching her husband return with the drinks.
"Thank you," Kristin said taking her drink. "Yes, we're very excited about the future possibilities with the seaQuest."
"I'm sure," Janet said.
"But the seaQuest is still a military vessel," Noyce added.
"Let's please avoid this discussion for the weekend," Nathan quickly interceded. "I don't want to have to take sides and become a referee."
After a pleasant dinner, the foursome decided to retire to Nathan's room and start up a game of bridge. By midnight, Noyce was feeling dejected after having had no success with either his wife or Nathan as a partner and Janet was beginning to feel heady from the three empty bottles of wine that had been consumed, so they decided to call it a night. Quickly excusing themselves, both
Noyces made a hasty retreat, leaving Kristin and Nathan alone.In an effort to finish the last bottle of wine, Kristin and Nathan struck up an idle game of poker. Before long, however, both were drunk and the bets escalated into a rousing game of strip poker. Finally Kristin had had enough and made up her mind to leave. But her legs were too weak to support her body, and she merely collapsed onto the floor in a heap. Nathan came over and
offered his hand to help her up, pulling her up to stand face to face with him.Standing there, the smell of her perfume mixed with the wine on her breath was too much to resist and Nathan found himself leaning down to kiss her. At first Kristin pulled back startled, but then she gave in and returned his kiss. Feeling his arms wrap around her and his warm hands on her bare back, Kristin shut her mind off and let her heart take over.
When Nathan woke the next morning he was alone in bed. Amid his pounding headache he vaguely remembered the previous night and wondered if maybe it had been all a dream. He rolled over and found a note laying on the other pillow. Reading it, he knew he wasn't dreaming.
Nathan -
I think we both need some time to think things through, so I am returning to the seaQuest this afternoon. I'm sorry, but if this was your plan to punish me, it was quite a good one.
He glanced over at the clock -- eleven hundred hours. He might still be able to catch her if he hurried. Nathan pulled on a sweatshirt and pair of jeans. Leaving the room he knocked on the next door down the hall, hoping she had not left yet.
Kristin had just finished drying her hair when she heard the knock on the door. Tightening her robe she considered ignoring whoever it was, but decided against it. Opening the door, she was both surprised and pleased to see Nathan. "Hi," was all she could manage.
"We need to talk, can I come in?"
She nodded and he entered the room. "You're not trying to back out, are you?" he said noticing the suitcase by the door.
"I thought it might be best after what happened last night."
"Listen, Kristin, what happened is my fault, even as drunk as I was I shouldn't have let that happen."
"No, Nathan, we're both adults, we both knew the ramifications of doing that." She paused. "And besides, it's not like I would let something like that happen if I didn't want it to."
The last statement hung in the air for a minute with neither of them speaking. Finally Nathan broke the silence, "Than why are you leaving?"
"Because I'm not sure either of us is ready to deal with what comes next. I mean, you still love your wife."
"And you?"
"And when you've been hurt by love as many times as I have, commitment is very difficult."
Nathan saw tears welling up in her eyes as he put his arms around her in a comforting hug. "Shh, we can take this as slow, or as fast, as you like."
Kristin looked up at him, disbelief etched on her face. "You mean ..."
"I guess I expected to find you next to me this morning, and when you weren't there, it occurred to me how much I like having you nearby. I'm willing to try if you are."
Kristin flung her arms around his neck and pressed her lips into his. "Nathan, promise me one thing."
"Whatever happens between us, don't let our friendship suffer, it means more to me than anything else."
Kristin and Nathan spent the afternoon sightseeing around the city and getting to know each other better. Despite being good friends already, both were surprised to discover how little they really knew about the other. Finally they decided it was time to return to the hotel and get ready for dinner.
Nathan knocked on Kristin's door and shifted his feet. God, I'm like a nervous schoolboy picking up my date for prom, he thought. Finally the door opened to reveal Kristin. She was wearing a long black off-the-shoulder dress with long sleeves. The bodice was tight and clung to her in all the right places, accentuating her physique. The bottom was looser, with a slit up to mid-thigh.
Her hair was up in a chignon at the base of her neck and there was a simple silver chain around her neck."Uh, ... wow," was all Nathan could manage.
"You might consider closing your mouth before we get to the ballroom," Kristin suggested.
Nathan realized he was staring. "Sorry, uh, these are for you," he said holding out the bouquet of roses.
"Thank you," Kristin said taking them. She disappeared into the room and emerged a minute later closing the door after her. "Well, let's get this over with."
Nathan held out his arm and Kristin wrapped hers around it and they headed for the elevator.
As they walked into the ballroom, both Nathan and Kristin could feel all eyes in the room turn to watch them. Feeling uncomfortable under such scrutiny, Nathan steered Kristin toward a table in an attempt to hide.
"Kristin, you look stunning," Bill Noyce said coming over.
"Thank you," Kristin said.
"Nathan, glad to see you could finally make it," a gentleman said coming over. "Though I may have to forgive you since you brought such a lovely lady with you."
"Admiral Caleb Patrick, Doctor Kristin Westphalen, my CMO," Nathan said making introductions.
"Well," Patrick said kissing Kristin's hand, "a beauty with brains to match, I'm impressed, Nathan. But than, you always had excellent taste in women."
"Actually, Admiral, I'm here just as a friend of Nathan's," Kristin added before things could go too far.
"Than he won't mind if you have this dance with me."
Kristin looked over to Nathan, who just shrugged. "All right, Admiral, though I'm not much of a dancer."
"Oh, all you have to do is follow me," he said leading her away. She cast a glance over her shoulder at Nathan who could only mouth 'Good luck' to her.
As the song ended, Kristin made her way back to where Nathan was standing. "Now I see why this is considered punishment," she laughed. "Although I still don't care for military protocol."
"Don't let Noyce hear you say that, I may have to punish you before you even do something wrong. I hope the Admiral didn't get too bad out there."
"Nothing I couldn't handle, but I'm afraid of what may happen with a few too many drinks in him."
"Yeah, you might want to watch out, he's Irish."
"Just as long as he's not like you when drunk," she said with a wicked smile.
Dinner was an enjoyable event as light conversation circled the table. As it was winding down and dessert was being served, a few speeches were given and subsequently ignored by most everyone in the room. When the dancing began again, Kristin found herself in Nathan's arms on the dance floor.
"All in all, this night hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be," Nathan admitted as the chords of the next song began.
Only you
Can make this world seem right
Only you
Can make the darkness bright"Nathan, are you sure you're OK with ... us?" Kristin said looking into his eyes trying to gage his response.
"Do you remember when we discovered the King George?"
"Of course, but not most of what happened down there."
"And then you and Lucas and the others were lost in the hurricane shortly after that."
She nodded, "Yes."
Only you, and you alone
Can thrill me like you do
And fill my heart with love
For only you"Seeing you on the George and then later reading the log, I was struck by how fragile and short life can be, and what an important part love plays in it. And then when I almost lost you so soon after that, I started seriously thinking about my life."
Only you
Can make this change in me
For it's true
You are my destiny"I guess what I'm trying to say is that you've come to mean so much to me, Kristin. I don't want to lose you before our full potential together can be realized."
"Don't worry, I'm not easy to get rid of."
"I've noticed how bull-headed you seem to be."
"Oh yeah?"
When you hold my hand
I understand the magic that you do
You're my dream come true
My one and only you"I don't know about you," Kristin whispered as the last strains of the song died away, "but I'm feeling a little tired."
Nathan raised his eyebrows, "Oh?" Kristin nodded. "Well than let's blow this pop stand and put you to bed."
"On one condition."
"Name it."
"I'll go to bed as long as that bed includes a certain Captain."
"Aren't you going a little fast there, Doctor?"
"Am I being turned down?"
"Just checking," Nathan said leading her over to the table where Noyce was seated. "Bill, Kristin's not feeling very good so I'm going to take her upstairs."
"Oh, is something wrong?" Janet said with a concerned tone.
"No, it's just a headache," Kristin said quickly. "I should be fine in the morning."
"Please give our regards to Caleb," Nathan said and turned for the door.
"When was the last time you heard that lame excuse?" Noyce said turning to his wife.
"Cut it out," Janet said with a light elbow into his stomach, "unless you want me to get a headache as well."
Noyce's eyes lit up as a lecherous smile crossed his lips.
Nathan and Kristin stopped outside her room as she fumbled with the key. "You're absolutely sure about this?" Kristin asked.
He didn't respond, but rather spun her around and put his face to hers in a long, passionate kiss. When they finally pulled apart, Nathan smiled, "Yes, now would you stop asking?"
Kristin nodded and with a smile reached down to turn the doorknob. They stumbled into the room and their lips met again in a kiss.
"I'm sorry, Commander, but something's come up here, and we'll be staying for another day," Nathan Bridger said into the vid-link.
On the seaQuest, Commander Ford smiled, "Not a problem, Captain, I'll have Krieg there tomorrow at 1400 hours."
"Fine, we'll be ready."
"See you then, Captain," Ford said and Bridger nodded. As the screen turned back to the UEO logo, Ford turned to the other officers assembled in the ward room.
"OK, Commander, pay up," Krieg said holding out a hand.
"Oh no, Ben, there's no proof," Katie Hitchcock said.
"Yeah, the Captain only said that something had come up," Lucas said. "That could mean anything."
"Well, whatever happened, if they are... you know... well, I wish them luck and I don't think we should be pestering them about it," Ford said. "And Ben, don't be rude tomorrow."
"Why would I be rude?" Ben said taking the defensive.
"Maybe it's your past track record, Ben," Crocker said. "Do you want me to go with him, Commander?"
"No, I don't want them to think that we think anything is going on with them," Ford said. "Lucas, are you busy tomorrow?"
"Oh no," Ben said, "don't you people trust me?"
"Basically," Lucas said, "no."
Nathan turned off the vid-link and sighed. He turned around to see Kristin standing in the doorway watching him. "Did they believe it?"
"On the surface, yes. But I'm not sure they really believe it down deep."
"You did know we couldn't keep this a secret forever."
"Yeah, but I was hoping it would last for more than one day."
"Why don't we just come out and tell them?"
"Because technically, we're not supposed to be doing this as long as you're under my command."
"Oh," she said coming over to wrap her arms around his waist, "and we both know how well I deal with rules."
He kissed her forehead. "You realize that's how all of this started."
"And if I had it to do all over again, I'd do the same thing."
Nathan reached down to undo the knot at her waist and push the robe off. "Everything?"
Kristin followed suit with his robe. "Everything," she said and leaned up to kiss him as her hands roamed his body.
The End