Title: Heat
Author: Arla
email: arlaj@shaw.ca
Rating: G
Classification: N/K Romance. Drabble
Archive: NKRA, my site only. All other’s please ask first.
Disclaimer: Amblin owns it all. I am merely playing in the seaQuest sandbox and will return all, including pails and shovels, when I am done.
Notes: This is for the drabble challenge. :) Thanks to Maggie for all her help



Lucas entered the house, shivering in the cold air and hurried into the living room. "Why is it so damned cold?"

He stopped dead at the scene before him. They were snuggled in front of the fireplace, the fire bathing them in its warm glow.

"Air conditioning's up full. Sorry." Bridger turned back, nuzzling the woman in his arms.

Lucas left shaking his head in disbelief, returning with a pillow and blanket. "I'm sleeping on the deck. It's 100 degrees outside."

Reaching the patio he stopped. "You guys are weird." He stepped out, closing the doors, their laughter following him.

Fin  :o)