Title: | Breathe Again |
Author: | Arla |
e-mail: | arlaj@shaw.ca |
Rating: | PG |
Classification: | N/K romance; H/C, angst; challenge response |
Archive: | NKRA and my site only. Everyone else please ask first. |
Disclaimer: | seaQuest and all its characters belong to Amblin Entertainment. I am only borrowing these characters for awhile and will return them undamaged when I am done. This is a work of amateur fan fiction and no infringement on the owner's copyright is meant. |
Summary: | After responding to a distress call, Nathan is forced to make a choice that could cost him Kristin’s life. |
Notes: | This is in response to Challenge #2 on the NKAdult list. Take your most favorite romantic moment/scene from any movie or tv show... (except sQ, <grin>) and revamp it to suit N/K. For example... change the drowning scene between Lindsay and Bud in 'the Abyss' to suit N/K. The possibilities are endless :o) I did take the Drowning scene… and a couple of the lines are taken from this scene... Thanks to Maggie for betaing :o) |
Breathe Again
If I never feel you in my arms again,
if I never feel your tender kiss again,
if I never hear "I love you" now and then,
will I never make love to you once again?
Please understand, if love ends,
then I promise you, I promise you that,
that I shall never breathe again.Breathe again, breathe again,
that I shall never breathe again.
Nathan had been sitting in the Ward room visiting with his dear friends and guests, Bill and Janet Noyce, when the emergency call had come through.
"What have we got Commander?" he called out as he stepped onto the Bridge.
"A mayday call from a small farming community." Ford replied
"Let me hear it O’Neil."
"Aye sir." Tim patched the call through to the main speakers.
"Mayday… Mayday… This is the Richmond farming community..." The call began then static made the rest difficult to understand. "...explosive decompression... 4 compartments... most evacuated with mini subs...
Community very unstable.. 12 others… need rescue."
"How far away are they?"
"A half hour at top speed." Ford replied.
"Then pour it on Commander. Let’s get there while they still have a chance."
"Aye, sir."
Nathan turned to find Bill and Janet standing quietly at the back of the bridge.
"Looks bad, Nathan." Noyce said quietly.
"Explosive decompression… I don’t know how it can get any worse." Nathan muttered and he shivered… unable to shake the strange sense of foreboding.
"Commander, have Medical and a rescue team standing by."
"Aye sir."
Forty-five minutes later Nathan strode into the docking bay to find the rescue crew getting ready to depart. "Kristin?" he called quietly and the woman spun around to face him.
Crossing quickly to her side, he grasped her elbows gently and looked down into her sable eyes.
"Be careful, baby." he whispered softly.
"I will." she returned and reached up to tenderly caress his cheek.
Nathan drew her into a tight hug. "Come back to me," he whispered against her hair.
Kristin pulled back and gave him a smile before leaning forward and kissing him tenderly. "I love you." She whispered, stepping away and hearing his responding "I love you too." as she picked up her equipment and disappeared into the launch.
Nathan watched until the shuttle had left the boat before he turned and headed back to the bridge.
The rescue so far, had gone off without a hitch and the majority of the colonists had been evacuated to the seaQuest shuttle.
"Report Lt. Martins what’s going on over there?" Nathan called to the rescue shuttle.
Martins came on the screen seconds later. "Captain we have almost all the people off loaded. Dr. Westphalen and Ensign Johnson are rounding
up the last few now. We should be underway in about five minutes.""Good."
Suddenly over the comm channel, there came the distinctive sound of a compartment breaching.
"Lt." Nathan bellowed "What’s happening? What’s going on over there?"
Seconds later a panicked Martins came back on the screen. "Oh God, sir… The compartment between us and Dr. Westphalen, just breached…
There’s water pouring in everywhere. We can’t get them out sir.""Visual… Can we get visual?"
"Uhm, yes sir." Ortiz murmured and flipped a switch. Martins’ face disappeared to be replaced with a shot of the interior of the complex.
"Kristin!" Levin called out from the door of the shuttle.
"Get out of here Joshua!" she yelled back. "Just get everyone out of here before it’s too late!" then hit the button near the door and closed the
hatch between them."Ortiz!" Nathan barked. "Get me visual inside that compartment"
"Yes sir." He fiddled with his controls then "On screen sir."
The image showed the small compartment, Kristin standing near the door trying to comfort the two women beside her.
"Ensign?" she looked over at the young man with her.
"Nothing ma’am there’s no other way out."
"Shit." Kristin muttered. "Check those compartments." she said and pointed to two storage lockers.
The Ensign checked the lockers. "I see two complete scuba sets… Tanks are full."
"Only two?"
"Yes, ma’am."
"Alright. Help me get Sally and Alice into them. The water is rising and we probably don’t have a lot of time."
"Ortiz… Do we have audio?"
"Audio now sir."
"Nathan?" she replied instinctively turning toward the sound of his voice.
"How you doing?"
"We’re in some serious shit here Nathan. The water is rising rapidly and we only have two suits."
"I know that… We’re working on a way to get you out." He looked away from the screen for a moment and met Ford’s gaze. "I want a shuttle and divers standing by outside the complex. And get Darwin out there too."
"Yes, sir."
Bridger turned back to the screen. "A rescue shuttle is on the way. They’ll get you out."
"Nathan you know as well as I do that they can’t open that hatch right now. The outside pressure is too great. The concussion effect will kill us all. There’s only one way."
"No." He shook his head. "Don’t even think that."
"Nathan, it’s the only way. You have to let this compartment fill completely and equalize the pressure. It’s the only way."
"God, Kristin, no."
"Look... Alice and Sally will be fine. But you have to let Ensign Johnson and I drown. It’s the only way to get us all out."
"Listen to me." She continued patiently. "This water is only a few degrees above freezing. We’ll go into hypothermia. Don’t you understand…? Our systems will only slow down not stop. Joshua can revive us."
He felt a hand on his shoulder. "I know you don’t want to hear this, but she’s right. It’s the only way." Bill said quietly.
Bridger turned his head too look at him and Noyce’s heart clenched at the agony in his friend’s eyes. Finally he gave a nod and turned back. "All right." he choked. "We’ll have everything standing by."
"I know you will. Nathan..."
"I know..me too."
"Here." Kristin said, lips trembling with the cold, as she held out a piece of rope to the Ensign. "Tie it around your waist it will make it easier to..."
"Yes, ma’am," he nodded. "Ma’am… I’m scared ma’am," he said quietly.
"I know. Me too." Kristin said softly, taking his hand and giving it a quick reassuring squeeze.
The water was now chest high and rapidly climbing.
"How ya doing?" Nathan asked. Instinctively he knew she needed to hear his voice. To know he was there and hadn’t left her all alone
"I’m c..c..c.old." she shivered.
"I know." he said softly his voice relaying all that he was feeling.
He tore his eyes away from the screen momentarily. "Ford?"
"They’re standing by and ready to go in as soon as..."
"Thank you." he murmured as he turned back. Not wanting to watch but yet again, unable to look away.
Only a few short inches of air remained at the top of the compartment. Kristin and Johnson were treading water trying to keep their heads above the rising tide.
"Nathan…" Kristin sputtered. "Oh God… Nathan… I’m scared. Oh dear God…" Then her voice was cut off as the water rose above her head and she was completely submerged.
The bridge crew watched in horror as their colleagues struggled, panicking, fighting the urge to take a breath against lungs that were burning and then the urge to breathe was finally just too strong and mouths involuntarily opened… sucking in water instead of life giving air. Their panic increased, bodies jerking violently and then they were still.
"Oh my sweet God, no!" Nathan cried out.
"Lt. Kreig… Move your ass, get in there." Jonathan barked then turned to face Bridger.
The man was shell-shocked, staring at the screen, tears streaming down his face, muttering "no" over and over. Ford looked to the back of the bridge and made eye contact with a teary Janet Noyce. The woman nodded and hurriedly stepped forward.
"Nathan," she said softly and took his shoulders. "Come on. Let’s go. Come with me," she said and started leading him away.
Kreig and his crew were into the complex before Ford had even finished his order.
He opened the door and even before he could go through himself, a grey torpedo shot by him. Darwin came out seconds later with Kristin’s tow rope in his mouth. Krieg watched as the dolphin pulled her out of the complex and headed straight for the seaQuest.
"Commander?" he called through his suit radio as he motioned the others past him.
"What is it Kreig?"
"Sir, Darwin has the Doc and he’s bringing her straight to the ship."
"Got that Lieutenant… I’ll have Levin standing by. How’s the rest of the rescue."
"We’ve got them all Commander. Heading for the shuttle now."
Ford turned away to see Nathan take off at a run. "Ortiz, have Levin stand by at the moon pool with a med team."
"Aye sir."
Nathan paced back and forth in front of the moon pool waiting impatiently. Levin stood behind him with a nurse and a gurney with a special heated mattress specifically designed to treat hypothermia. On an equipment cart beside him sat a defibrillator, oxygen and blankets in a warming unit.
Bill and Janet stood near the back with their arms around each other, quietly waiting.
Suddenly Nathan stopped, then leapt over the moon pool wall and into the water reaching the dolphin even before he’d surfaced. Darwin released the rope as Nathan grabbed Kristin, pulled her close and carried her quickly to the edge where Bill and Joshua took her from him.
Hauling himself out of the pool, he rushed to the gurney where Levin was already at work.
"Nurse get those blankets on her." he barked as he attached an oxygen mask then the leads to the heart monitor.
Bridger winced when the high pitch hum signalling no heart rhythm filled the room.
"Nurse, charge to two hundred." Levin ordered as he grabbed the scissors and cut through the front of Kristin’s uniform.
"Charged." the nurse replied and handed him the defibrillator paddles.
Nathan closed his eyes as Kristin’s body jerked violently to the surge of electricity.
"Flat line." he heard the nurse report.
Again the hum of the defibrillator filled the room.
"What’s her temp?"
"Still too low… 79."
"Okay… Again… 300 joules."
"Do it!"
Nathan opened his eyes and moved forward as Levin shocked her body again, with no apparent results.
"Joshua?" he questioned fearfully.
The doctor looked up at him with an equally stricken gaze. "I’m sorry sir, but you have to face the fact that we may not get her back."
"No... NO!" Nathan bellowed. "She wants to live… She wants to live." he cried and shoved the man out of the way.
Grasping Kristin’s face between his palms he lifted her head from the gurney. "Kristin! Come on Kristin! Breathe dammit, breathe!"
Then anger over-rode his fear as her head dropped back to the gurney.
"God dammit…!" he growled and slapped her "YOU never backed away from anything in your life! NOW FIGHT! " <slap>
"FIGHT!" <slap>
Suddenly her eyelids fluttered and the nurse called out. "Doctor, we have a rhythm."
"That‘s it Kristin… Come on baby, come back to me."
She began to cough and sputter, and Joshua quickly turned her onto her side as she expelled the water from her lungs.
Nathan stepped back as the doctor slipped the oxygen mask back over her face and then collapsed into a chair next to one of the worktables, covering his face with his hands. Janet picked up a towel from a nearby shelf and crossed over to him wrapping it around his shoulders.
"I almost lost her Janet." he whispered softly.
"I know. Why don’t you go and change into some dry clothes. She’s in good hands."
He nodded and then lifted his head and got up from the chair, seeing that Levin was preparing to move Kristin to medbay.
"I think she’ll be okay, Captain. I’m still concerned about her temperature and we’ll have to watch her closely for signs of pneumonia but, barring any complications, I think she’ll be okay."
"Thank God."
"You can see her just as soon as I have her settled."
"Thanks Josh."
"Don’t mention it." The young doctor smiled and followed the gurney out of the room.
Nathan watched them leave then turned and strode back to the moon pool. Leaning over he tenderly stroked Darwin’s head.
"Kristin okay?" the dolphin asked.
"Yes pal, thanks to you. She’s going to be okay. You saved her life."
"Darwin love Kristin."
"I love her too Pal. I love her too." he whispered softly before getting up and quietly leaving the room.
Nathan returned to his quarters and changed into a dry uniform. He was just finishing when there was a knock on the hatch. He went to answer it and found Bill standing in the hall.
"On your way to Medbay?" he questioned.
"Yes." Nathan replied and stepped out into the corridor.
"I’ll walk with you.’ Noyce said and fell into step beside him.
"Bill, I’m sorry."
"What the hell for?"
"For losing it back there I shouldn’t..."
"Nathan you did what any man would have done when faced with seeing the woman he loves in mortal danger. Just because you‘re a Captain doesn’t mean you can’t lose it occasionally. If it had been Janet, and me in your place… Well... Let’s just forget about it, all right?"
"Thanks Bill. "
"Don’t mention it. Now how about you join Janet and I for dinner?"
"Sure. Just give me a little time here."
"Okay." Noyce nodded and gave him a pat on the shoulder before turning away.
Nathan continued into Medbay and Joshua met him just inside the door.
"Joshua, how is she?"
"Better. Her temperature is gradually going up, it’s almost at normal. Still no signs of pneumonia setting in… Her prognosis is excellent right now."
"That is good news." Nathan smiled. "How about Johnson and the two colonists.
"The colonists are fine, just some bumps and bruises. I think Johnson will be fine too, he does show signs of pneumonia… so I’ve started him on antibiotics."
"Thanks Josh."
"Anytime, sir. You can go right in."
Nathan nodded and continued through to where Kristin was lying. He quietly approached the bed and looked down at her. Several heavy blankets covered her and were pulled up to her chin; the slender fingers of one hand gripped the top edge. Her hair had been dried and lay in a radiant copper fan beneath her head. While she was still too pale for his liking some of her normal healthy color had returned.
Stepping closer he leaned down and pressed a kiss to her forehead. The skin beneath his lips was still too cool.
"You scared the hell out of me babe." he whispered softly then stepped back to draw a chair close.
He sat and reached out and took the hand nearest him from the blankets lifting it to his mouth and holding it there as he watched her sleep.
He found now that he was watching each breath she took, each rise and fall of her chest. Listening for each sigh that left her parted lips. After seeing her so blue and cold, so very still and lifeless he found each and every breath she took more precious than the last.
He knew he was crying. He could feel the tears falling down his cheeks. Lifting his head, he found her sable eyes open and looking at him.
Drawing her free hand from beneath the blankets she reached out and tenderly brushed the tears from his cheeks. "Sh, big boys don’t cry, remember."
Taking both of her hands in his, he tenderly kissed each palm before meeting her eyes.
"God, you scared me," he whispered.
"I scared myself." she replied softly, pulling his hands closer until he got up from the chair and stood over her.
"I was so afraid, Nathan, and all I could think was that I would never see you again." she whispered tearfully.
Nathan sat down on the edge of her bed then leaned forward and pressed his lips to her ear. "I know." he whispered. "The hardest thing I’ve ever had to do was just stand there and watch. I felt so helpless… I could only stand there and watch you..." His voice choked off, unable to finish. Kristin wrapped her arms around him, pulling him tight to her body and held him.
She knew his greatest fear was losing someone that he loved again. She could only imagine what this all had been like for him. Although the experience had been a nightmare for her she knew instinctively that it had been worse, much worse for him.
Nathan sat bolt upright , his body drenched in sweat, shuddering from the effects of his nightmare. He had tried to sleep, he really had but every time he closed his eyes he saw her... cold lifeless... dead.
Throwing back the covers he climbed out of bed and strode nude to the head. Flipping on the light he moved to the sink and splashed cold water on his face. With a sigh he turned and stepped back into the other room. He was loath to head back to his bunk and attempt to sleep, but he knew he had to at least try. If he didn’t he would be no use to anyone in the morning.
He made his way back to the bunk and climbed back in. Despite his earlier aversion, he was asleep in moments.
It was late and the ship was quiet. Even though he had just fallen back to sleep, Nathan was deep enough in that slumber not to hear the door to his cabin as it opened. The light from the corridor was cut off as it closed and the room was once again clothed in darkness.
Kristin tiptoed quietly to the bunk and slipped between the covers. As she rolled and snuggled up against him, Nathan awoke. "Kristin?"
"You were expecting someone else?" she teased lightly.
"No, I just expected you to be in Medbay." he said as he drew her close.
"Hmmm… I snuck out." she told him, nuzzling his neck.
"You went AWOL?"
"Mmm, hmm."
"Isn’t Joshua gonna be pissed?"
"I’m the Head of Medical, am I not? Besides, there was no real reason for staying there any longer. "
"Are you sure?" He asked, studying her face in the dim light of the room.
"Yes," she said softly. Reaching out she tenderly brushed back his hair. "And somehow I just knew that you would have trouble sleeping tonight without me here."
"You know me so well."
"I like to think so. And to tell you the truth, I just couldn’t sleep without you."
Nathan rolled, gently pinning her beneath the bulk of his body. Threading his fingers through her hair, he pushed the heavy strands away from her face. His eyes studied her features in the dimness of the room, trailing each delicate curve and hollow as though he were trying to commit her face to memory.
"Nathan?" she questioned softly, her hand raising to cup his cheek.
"I almost lost you today." he whispered. "God, when I think of how close I came to losing you."
"But you didn’t lose me. I’m here." she breathed. "I’ll always be here."
"God, I love you. I love you so very much." His lips captured hers once again and they were lost is sweet desire. It was a coming together of not only bodies, but hearts, minds, and souls. A reaffirmation of life and an aeons old celebration of love… Urgent… Gentle… Fiery and passionate…
And when their passion was sated they slept in the warmth of each other's arms. Clinging together, bodies entwined, holding on to each other as though never to let go, while outside their private world the graceful ship in which they rode, sailed silently through the cold dark depths of the sea.